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Gahiji Akil Lumumba barrow, Reiki, teacher, shaman, spirit worker, crystal gridwork,mediator,

SEER Energetics

with Gahiji Akil

Transform yourself, transform the universe

SEER Energetics w/ Gahiji Akil Logo

We are experiencing an age of great consciousness shifting and expedient interconnectedness. Many are becoming aware of all BEings deeper nature and in turn awakening senses that lay dormant. These senses plug us into the matrix of multidimensionality that we exist between. Access to our senses have been denied, leaving us in an imbalanced state of emergency struggling to obtain scarce resources. There are many reasons we are at this precipice of mass enlightenment/destruction. It is important to explore the reasons so we can understand the frequencies they are transmitting and counter or continue them. We then open the space to progress as a planetary elemental force.  SEER Energetics is a synergy of elemental consciousness and skills working to reclaim our holism, heal our ailments from their roots, change our patterns and teach us to push the evolution of our consciousness with our focus and dedication.

                                                                   ~Gahiji Akil

Journeys & Ideas: about who I am and what I offer

Gahiji Akil Reiki Mastered teacher in Ecuador Museum
Crystal & Elemental medicine chamber w/ Gahiji Akil SEER Energetics

My journey in working with light

My first time feeling my energy body was during a qigong exercise building a ball of energy. This was not the first step in my journey to lightwork, but it was an important one. It was my proof of the unseen. I don’t remember being skeptical before, we often "know" through our experience, and now I knew. I knew with certainty that I was much more than the flesh. Years later I would take advantage of a wellness benefit provided by my employer, and attended Reiki certification courses. This gave me a focused practice for the ideas of energy and healing I was studying and exploring. It has been 15 years since my first class. I have watched my skills, understanding, intuition and confidence grow exponentially. I have experienced myself evolve. After years of working in the nonprofit social justice field, I was experiencing extreme burnout from overextending myself without the needed support to feel truly effective in my work. I was still practicing and teaching Reiki, but it was in a compartmentalized way. I could no longer ignore the need to include spirit in the movement for justice. I freed myself by traveling to South America for nearly a year and upon arrival of where I would live, I found myself on a beach surprisingly littered with crystals. I am forever grateful to crystal consciousness for sitting with me and guiding me so that  I could receive access to gifts that allow me to serve others and the evolution of cosmic consciousness. There are many stories on this path I hope to share with you one day... 


Growing to offer

I have worked with different Reiki masters and other energy workers, in Hawaii, New Orleans, New Mexico, Arizona specifically but I am always learning as I journey and live. I have done extensive self guided study and exercise which has shown me the balance of the growth that one can achieve in isolation from other people and then the great potential communities have when they work together in concerted efforts. Some of my most important lessons and advancements came when I sat and studied directly with the Earth and her elements, we are truly never alone. I have reached a point in my growth where my commitment to conscious evolution and being available and in service for this energetic balancing work in this world leads us here. I can be found and accessible to some of those who may find working together useful. The number below is my direct line, text me and setup a free phone consult to talk about how we might create a healing and/or learning atmosphere. When I left for South America I had no idea what the next phase was. I just had to wake up every morning and continue to jump deeper within until the world flipped upside down and there was no further place to land. I looked for teachers that would help gain insight into what was developing in my being. What I found were fully structured programs to be bought rather than someone who could tell me about this ocean of energy I was swimming in and how could I work with the ever increasing in strength and complexity currents that flowed through me and not be swept into the the sea I need someone that could sit with, assess then address. I always tailor learning spaces to fit who I am working with and the environments that they exist in because that's what I needed. Even if I have more than one student I will always give one on one time  and make sure each participant is represented in the space. 



Reiki Mastered Teacher Gahiji Akil in session
Elemental Energy Grid Wheel SEER Energetics Gahiji Akil


           On the Road!


I will be on the road until September and will only be available for distance sessions and technology assisted readings unless our locations coincide. Contact in the space below to book something for September in New Orleans 

Reiki, crystal healing, Black healing,
Reikie, gift coaching, consulting, psychic devlopment,
Reiki & Energy Work Sessions

Reiki and energy work sessions are guided by clairtactile intuition.  $100 per session for 60-90 min, $150 for 2 hours, 3 session package for $250, $300 for 2hr sessions. Couples treatment: $125 per hour. Crystal healing: A simple stone laying 30 minute subtle energy balancing session, $45 with Reiki $30 for just stone laying, distance sessions also available for $45 per session

Please contact to schedule

Service Offerings

Now accepting new clients in the New Orleans area. I'm also available for phone or video chat sessions for those further away.With understanding of varying economic situations, please contact me to discuss reciprocity agreements. You can read feedback from clients and colleagues here. And you can read about what to expect during a session here.With Gratitude

Want to develop your gifts and heighten sensitivities to the subtle energies spiraling all around and through us? I will guide you through different exercises that assist in expanding awareness and furthering your evolution as a being. I also offer imagination expanding and creativity coaching as well as spiritual guidance. Please contact to inquire about developing a program specific to you.

Reiki, crystals, lake tahoe, energy worker, light worker, gridwork
Reiki, reiki class, instruction, attunment, reiki teacher, black reiki, healing, lightwork, crystals, gridwork
Reiki & Other Instruction
Elemental Energy Healing Program

Reiki Instruction: Usui Reiki I, II and master teacher III.

Reiki I is an introduction to the history, lore and practice of Reiki. I discuss chakras, teach hand positions and other applications. I also incorporate chi cultivation exercises into all my classes and teach chi building, storing and transmitting separate for those who already have Reiki or don’t know if they are ready to be attuned.


Reiki II goes deeper into the practice giving new tools and further exploring the landscape of applications and areas where Reiki is useful and effective. Reiki II is a deeper commitment to the modality and energy work in general.


Reiki III mastered teacher level is where I teach how to fully integrate Reiki in your being and how to pass it on to others. This class can be part of an extended apprenticeship or a standalone course. I say Reiki mastered to acknowledge my understanding of my being mastered by Reiki, not it being mastered by me.


Other workshop offerings include: Intro to energy work, Building on natural gifts, Working with tools, group practice


Currently holding private classes on a requested basis. Willing to travel and/or instruct remotely. Please contact for rates and/or private instruction. 

A healing journey mapped out and improvised to develop a path that will be most effective in achieving the desired goals. It will be a combination of healing energy sessions, guided meditations, coaching sessions and instruction, divination, crystal elixirs, herbal, psychic surgery, sound therapies, essential oil assistance and other elements we think will be helpful. Please contact to begin a personalized healing journey.

Mediation, Mediator, Black, non legal binding.

Conflict is going to arise and so we must be able to deal with it in a constructive way that builds awareness and strengthens connections. Through inclusive mediation people can come together to feel heard, brainstorm solutions and agree to resolutions that will provide a framework to move forward. My experiential learning ground was in New Orleans, performing police-community mediations after I was trained by Baltimore Community Mediation. This is a non legally binding form of mediation that aims at reaching understanding and agreement. Please contact to schedule a mediation or for a conflict consultation.

Home clearings, energy work, space work, haunted house, Sage,

Energy can linger in spaces and cause disruption to balance and flow. When this happens it can be distracting to unnerving on the low end and frightening on the higher end of the spectrum of awareness. I come in with focus, intuition, spirit guides, crystal and other elemental colleagues to balance and shift energy of a space. This is a good service to schedule if a property has been sitting unoccupied for a period. $65 per hour, home clearing can be done in conjunction with a personal energy session at $100 per hour. $25 add'l per hour per add'l person

Space/Home Clearing

Get in touch

To inquire about services, receive more information or just to connect

Tel: 916-210-9067


I look forward to receiving your message, thank you!

© 2021 SEER Energetics

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